Exploring the Interior Design 'Concept' and What Inspires Us

Feminine walk-in-robe inspired by the fine stems and delicate buds of flower art and mother nature. (Image generated using Midjourney.)

I once heard Akira Isogawa, the renowned Japanese-Australian designer, refer to the concept underlying a design as like home. Throughout the design process, he always returns to his concept whenever he feels lost or needs to ensure he is on the right path. 

Akira’s idea of a concept as home has stuck with me. It demonstrates that a strong concept is critical to a successful interior design project. Moreover, crucial to the development of a solid interior design concept is a thorough concept generation process and diverse inspirational sources.


The Essence of the Concept. 

The concept is the central idea or theme that guides all interior design decisions for a space, from spatial layout and joinery design to furniture selection.

When communicating our concept for a client's project, we present it both visually, through a few key images, and verbally, via a concept statement. When presenting our concept to a client, our intent is to communicate a style (e.g., minimalist), an emotion (e.g., calm and relaxed), specific colours, textures, or a specific influence (e.g., nature) that we believe will realise our client’s desires for their space. 

The concept acts as a unifying driver, ensuring every aspect, from colour palette to materials selection and layouts, aligns with a cohesive vision that harmonises and personalises the space according to the client's preferences. 

Recently, when presenting a concept to one of our clients, she expressed a desire for assurance that the concept was right for her. Upon asking to see concepts we had developed for other clients, we provided her with a selection. Having reviewed them, she declared that the concept we had developed for her undeniably reflected her and her project goals. Objective achieved!

Flower art/nature inspiration - (image generated by Midjourney)

Concept Generation – Our Sources of Inspiration 

Inspiration is the fuel that powers our creative process, including our concept generation and the interior design and decoration that follows. We draw our design inspiration from a wide array of sources. Here’s a look at what inspires us. 

The Resonance of Art

Artwork often features captivating colour schemes that inspire our overall colour palette for a space. We may draw from an artwork's hues, tones, and contrasts to inform our choices for wall colours, furnishings, and decor. Diverse textures and intricate patterns in art give us ideas for incorporating similar elements into an interior space. Art can also evoke emotion and create a specific mood or atmosphere. Thus, we use it in our concepts to communicate our design intent to our clients. 

The Dynamic World of Fashion

Fashion is an ever-evolving realm of creativity and innovation, mirroring the zeitgeist and forecasting future trends. The textures, patterns, colour palettes, and bold statements found in fashion, past, present and future, often inspire our approach to interior spaces, encouraging a dynamic blend of the contemporary with the timeless.

Lessons from Travel

Travel opens our eyes to new possibilities, offering fresh palettes, textures, and designs inspired by different cultures and landscapes. As these travel experiences are part of us as designers, we weave them into our projects, bringing a sense of culturally enriched elegance.

Watch for our next post, in which we'll share the inspiration gathered from our upcoming trip to Japan later this month.

Understanding Daily Life

Exploring and understanding our clients' lifestyles and aspirations, including their daily habits, sources of delight, and essential requirements, is vital for crafting aesthetically pleasing, practical and personalised spaces. This understanding ensures our designs enhance and complement our clients' daily lives.

The Influence of Personality

The personalities of our clients are our greatest inspiration. Each interior design journey is a collaborative process, with personal tastes and stories shaping the direction of each project. This personal focus makes each design unique and meaningful.

Masculine walk-in-robe inspired by dark, moody artwork. (Image generated using Midjourney.)

The Journey of Design at Studio Apercu

In line with our client-focused approach, we aim to create spaces that truly reflect the individuals, our clients, who inhabit them. Concept generation is the starting point of this creative journey, guiding us in crafting aesthetically pleasing spaces that resonate on a personal and functional level. We strive to bring a unique design vision to every project through a blend of art, fashion, global design influences, personal interactions, and an understanding of daily life.

In interior design, the concept is everything — it’s the thread that connects our ideas, transforming them into a tangible reality. 

Inspirational dark and moody art. (Image generated using Midjourney.)

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